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A brief of the Royal University of Bhutan

The Royal University of Bhutan was launched on 2nd June 2003 to provide tertiary education in Bhutan. The Royal Charter and Statutes provide the legal instruments for the University. The overall rationale of the University as set out in the Royal Charter and Statutes is the "dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of learning through a balanced, well regulated and sound tertiary education system for the economic and cultural development of the Kingdom of Bhutan and to promote the cultural enrichment, personal development and well being of our people."

The Royal University of Bhutan was delinked from the civil service in 2011 and functions with full human resource management and financial autonomy.

As of today, the Royal University of Bhutan has ten constituent Colleges and two private Colleges affiliated to the University. As of November 2018, the University had a total of 11075 students and 1267 faculty and staff.

The following are the Vision and Mission Statements of the University:


An internationally recognized university steeped in GNH values.


  1. To provide programmes of study at tertiary education level, of relevance and good quality which will fulfil the needs of the country for an educated, skilled and humane population;

  2. To promote and conduct research to contribute to the creation of knowledge of relevance to Bhutan; and

  3. To provide training and professional services for the enhancement of knowledge; capacity building and community development.

Please visit the website of the Royal University of Bhutan for more information!


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